Measures and Metrics in Corporate Security

Return to Demonstrating Value
How good is your security program? By what ruler do you measure security’s effectiveness, efficiency, or success? How do you explain and prove this success to the rest of the organization?

Strong metrics can communicate security’s value, results, and return on investment in a language all other functions can embrace and understand. Chances are, security already has the data needed to create such metrics. But how to connect the dots in a way that effectively sends a meaningful message?

This book is a guide for creating a security metrics program that meets the needs of your function and organization. Along with detailed chapters on why and how to measure, how to present findings and how to structure a metrics model, it includes 375 examples of security metrics, organized into 13 categories of security services. It has been called "the foundational text for security metrics."

Ways to use this resource:

  • As a guide for starting a new security metrics program
  • As templates for metrics PPT presentations to management
  • To discover new-to-you metrics that may be useful in your function
  • To help find useful data you likely already have
  • To learn to organize data/numbers into meaningful metrics that powerfully communicate a message

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